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Damascus Clothing: LET GO LET GOD Long sleeve

Damascus Clothing: LET GO LET GOD Long sleeve

Regular price $40.00 USD
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Color: Gray

“Let Go, Let God” has been a staple phrase of Christianity that I’ve heard since I was a kid, but I never understood the gravitas of the statement until recently. What are we supposed to let go of? Can we really trust God to handle the tribulations we experience? If you’re reading this, then the answer to the latter is yes. You’re still here. But what exactly are we supposed to let go of? In my personal experience, I’ve come to realize that I’ve stood in my own way in almost everything I’ve done or tried to do in my life. When I begin to take the reins and try to control the things in front of me, they seem to go sideways pretty fast. But when I surrender them to the Lord, and I give up my control, they operate much more effectively. The problems that I try to solve, the things that I think I need, and the fights against my own flesh work themselves out when I simply trust that God will make a way. The battle has already been won. Let go of everything you’re trying to control. Let go of the trials and tribulations you’re going through. Let go of the anxieties that are controlling you and limiting the potential God has for you. Let God.

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